Coast Redwood Seeds

Sequoia sempervirens

From: £3.49

Originating from the foggy coastal regions of Northern California, Sequoia sempervirens thrives in humid and moist environments. These giants are not just trees; they are pillars of the forest, creating ecosystems within their canopies. Planting Coast Redwood seeds is an invitation to witness a marvel of nature’s resilience and beauty.

As they grow, these redwoods form a thick, spongy bark, which helps protect them from fire and insect damage. Their needle-like leaves form dense, green canopies, offering a haven for diverse wildlife. Planting these seeds is a commitment to future generations, a chance to grow a natural legacy in your own garden.

The Coast Redwood is more than a tree; it’s a living piece of history. Some specimens are over 2,000 years old, standing as silent witnesses to centuries of change. By planting Sequoia sempervirens seeds, you’re not just nurturing a tree; you’re fostering a connection with the ancient world.

UK sourced seed.

The Coast Redwood, or Sequoia sempervirens, stands as a testament to nature’s grandeur. These seeds offer the chance to cultivate one of the world’s tallest trees, revered for its longevity and majesty. Known for their soaring heights and lush, verdant foliage, Coast Redwoods create a serene, almost mystical atmosphere.

These are the same seeds we use ourselves at our specialist Redwood nursery.

Native: Pacific coast California.

Provenance: UK

Seeds:  approx. 36% viable

Soil conditions: Requires deep soils but will grow on deep soils over chalk.

Planting instructions: Prefers moist, damp, foggy atmospheres. Needs lots of space!

Size and spread (10 years): 2m to 3m

Mature height: 100m (in wild) 30m (in gardens).

Ideal sowing period: Spring

Bonsai Suitable?: Yes. There is no such thing as “Bonsai seeds”. It’s just marketing. Seeds are seeds. There are occasionally strains of some seeds taken from small trees that grow slower and smaller, however Redwood trees do not flower and produce seed under bonsai conditions. Redwoods generally only flower and seed in the wild at about 250 years old.

All Coast Redwood seeds require a simple stratification process to germinate. Don’t worry, it’s easy.

  • Soak the Sequoia sempervirens seeds for 24 hours in warm water. (Not hot water).
  • Possibly add some Superthrive – these are some plant vitamins and amino acids. It’s not required, however we like to give our Sequoia sempervirens seedlings the best start in life.
  • Mix the seeds with some peat free compost or an inert medium like vermiculite.
  • Add the seeds to a polythene bag or small tub that will fit nicely in your fridge. Loosely seal the bag – some air exchange needs to occur.
  • Check every few days to confirm the seeds are still moist – keeping them moist during this time is vital.
  • Chill the seeds for 4 weeks in the fridge. Don’t forget to set a reminder for yourself to remove them.
  • Move the Sequoia sempervirens seeds to a warm windowsill or heated propagator. Keep the seeds moist during this time.
  • Once the seeds start to germinate you should prick them out and pot them on as soon as possible.

Germination of Sequoia sempervirens can be erratic. For seeds that don’t germinate in about two months, move them back to the fridge and repeat the stratification process.

An alternative way to sow the seeds is to follow nature, simply so the Sequoia sempervirens seeds in a tray outside in a sheltered location after the last frost and let nature take it’s course.

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